Try a little Gratitude


Try a little Gratitude


At times it’s hard to be grateful for anything. Your body aches, your memory isn’t so great and things that used to be easy aren’t anymore. I know. But reaching the senior citizen years is a gift for most people.


I miss being able to drive. The last four years have been difficult because I feel uncomfortable behind the wheel. In the past, I’ve had vertigo attacks while I was driving, and it’s very frightening. The worst attack came about a mile away from my home. I was driving with no problem, and then my vision turned upside down. Luckily, there was a firehouse station close by. Unfortunately, the firehouse was empty; I think they were out on an emergency. Someone did pull over and call 911. After that episode, I was very hesitant to get behind the wheel.


But you know what? I didn’t get hurt, and someone stopped and helped me out. I will be forever grateful to that lady. And I have my wife of 38 years who supports me along with my son. I try to keep that in mind when Parkinson’s, Meniere’s, or being hard of hearing gets me down.


It’s been said many times that gratitude of any kind is good for the soul and your wellbeing. Sometimes you have to dig deep to find things to be grateful for but it’s worth the effort.


Showing gratitude to others is also uplifting. Here is a wonderful link on that subject: Reconnecting with Gratitude. It’s a great and inspiring read.


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