Living Alone

Living alone in your later years after your spouse has passed away can be a real challenge. Death, unfortunately, comes for us all. While it can be sad and lonesome, you must carry on. My mother was 53 when my father had his last heart attack. It was especially difficult for her because my sister and I were moving away simultaneously. I was a sophomore in college, and my sister was studying to be a medical tech where she would reside for a year. Mom went from having a whole house to being all alone. It was difficult for her, but she carried on. My father had kept all the financial information, and Mom didn’t know where to start. But she did it. She paid the bills and balanced the checkbox. It doesn’t sound like much, but it was all new to her. Her investments prospered, and she met new friends and lived a fulfilled life. Not everyone is so fortunate. Other folks living alone haven’t had it so easy. They ...