Mobility in the senior citizen years

As you age, you may slow your pace and even drive slower. While these are issues, they don’t mean you can’t get around. My walking is much slower and more deliberate than it used to be. My Meniere’s and Parkinson’s disease have much to do with it. I walk with a cane primarily for balance, especially if I’m out of the house and going somewhere. Even when I’m walking with my wife, I use a cane. I wouldn’t say I liked it initially, but I got used to mobility aids. Sometimes, you must do what you must do. Going up and down steps can be tricky as well. We don’t have many steps in the house. We live on a split level, and it's only seven steps to get upstairs. I had fallen those seven steps and got bruised, but luckily, I didn’t break anything. The key is always to be alert and keep one hand on the railing. Not everyone gets as immobile as I do. My sister and her husband are regular Blue Ridge Mountain hikers older than me. I don’t think I’ll be hitching on any ...