Pills, pills and more pills


I can remember a time when I didn’t take any pills daily. It was quite a while ago. I felt physically fit; I ran a few miles daily and lifted weights. That was a long time ago.


Fast forward forty years, and I’m now on a bucket of pills every day—pills for this and pills for that. The last few years of my father’s life, he took what seemed like quite a bit of medication. He had heart disease and died in 1977 at the age of 61. I guess without the meds, he would have died sooner. Of course, in 1977, there weren’t many options for someone who had severe artery blockage.


My problems aren’t heart problems. I still take blood pressure and cholesterol medicine, just the same. The thing that always bothers me when a doctor suggests a new drug is the interaction with the numerous pills that I already take. Even though they assure me there shouldn’t be a problem, sometimes there is. With the advent of the internet age and Google, you can check up on any medication. It’s not that I don’t trust the doctors, but looking at potential side effects is always good. A few times, I’ve had to stop taking medication because it caused problems with my Meniere’s disease. I always told the doctor about not continuing to take the medication.

Another problem is keeping up with the medication. Did I take it or not?

When I was young, no one ever questioned a doctor’s advice, fearing the doctor’s ire. However, we are more informed today with the internet, and most doctors (not all) will discuss possible side effects and any other questions you have, which is good.


Another point I’ll make is to ask your doctor about drinking and taking certain medications.  In my case, booze is off-limits—even the occasional beer and glass of wine. I really don’t miss them much.



Here’s an added note: Clark Howard wrote on his widely popular website that medication prices may decrease. It's worth a read. Anyway, have a good week, and leave a comment if you want.





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