About Me


Hi, I'm David Stillwagon, and this is my blog, Surviving the Senior Citizen Years. I’m not an expert on getting older, which is why I’m writing this blog. Hopefully, researching information and then relaying it to my blog posts will be helpful for me and other older folks.

 This isn't my first blog. I wrote a blog many years ago about Meniere's disease, something that I have been dealing with since 2007. It is a vertiginous disorder that brings on vertigo attacks without any warning

I will also include books that I have read and enjoyed over the years.

My blog on aging will be different. I will write about the things that I find challenging and possible solutions to those problems. I will also write about my struggles with health and the emotional burden that presents itself.

I'll post once a week, and hopefully, I will find followers who will leave comments.




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