Eating right in the Senior Citizen years


Eating right should be a requirement for anyone of any age, but it becomes more critical as one age. Are you eating right?

Examine your present eating habits.

The first place to start is by looking at what you typically eat over a week or month. Do you fry everything? Do you put salt on everything? What exactly do you eat?

Weight problems in the elderly years

You probably know you aren’t eating right if you are overweight. Some folks have always had eating disorders, and it's understandable. You probably picked up bad eating habits when you were young and continued them into your later years. It’s hard to break old habits, I know. Fad diets that promise quick weight loss never work.

The consequences of being overweight

Overall, your health can be poor or downright nasty if you are overweight. Heart problems can be one of the worst, along with diabetes.

I’ll never lose the weight

The first step is to talk to your doctor. He can connect you with a dietician who can help you. Just remember that it takes time to lose weight. Don’t get discouraged if the weight isn’t falling off.

So, what should you eat?

You have heard a million times about eating fruit and vegetables, and that is exactly what you should be eating. Make sure to prepare them in a way that isn’t fattening, not slathered with butter.

Keep meat lean. Chicken and fish are the best. Cut back on red meat. You don’t have to give it up completely; just cut back.


The amount you eat at one time is also essential. Smaller portions will make you feel less bloated and control your weight gain.

I love desserts

I need help with this. I love cake, ice cream, potato chips, etc. They are healthy versions of desserts; give them a try.

It’s not easy to stick to eating the right food and healthy foods, but you’ll feel better, and your health will be rewarded.




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