Water under the Bridge


Water under the bridge for senior citizens

I’m sure many of us wish there was a time machine to take us back to a place where we made decisions that affected our future lives. We can’t do it. Dwelling on the past can be debilitating and emotionally draining. Things would have been great if we had just done this or that. I’m guilty of this as well.

I wasted time in college pursuing an economics degree. Why economics? It was easy and didn’t have a heavy class requirement. That was my thinking: to get through college the easiest way possible, and like magic, I would have a job waiting for me. Of course, it didn’t happen. Jobs were hard to come by when I graduated in 1980, and a vague degree like economics wasn’t helpful. I wish I had investigated other career paths, but I didn’t think of that then. So, I ended up at a shoe store for a year.

After another year of wasted time, I moved from Pennsylvania to Georgia, which was a good move. It took a while to find a good job, but one came along. I also got married, and eventually, we adopted our son. All that was good, so I don’t have any regrets.

Then Meniere’s disease came along (well, that’s for another blog post).

So, in a way, if I had picked a different major and found a job in Pennsylvania, I would have never met my wife, and we wouldn’t have adopted my son. It’s kind of an unanswered prayer.

I guess I went off on a little tangent there. The thing to remember is that you can’t change the past, so why worry about it? Now you can learn from the past, that’s for sure. Just don’t beat yourself up over water under a bridge.

Thanks, David


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